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Why doesn’t pressing ⌘S save my work?

Last updated on 22 Jan 2024

If you are reading this article is possible that you tried to save your document pressing S and you cannot see the latest editions on the web. This happens because in Sketch, the behaviour of S depends on where your document is stored:

  • For Workspace documents: S is only required during the first save. After that, Sketch automatically saves your changes in real time while you work. However, pressing S will not update the version visible on the web. To sync your latest changes to the web you need to use ^S to create a new version. Alternatively, quitting Sketch will force a sync of all unsynced changes.
  • For locally saved documents: S behaves traditionally, manually saving your changes.

This approach to Workspace Documents and Libraries ensures you have control over what is visible on the web, allowing you to share them only when you’re ready. In the meantime, Sketch will keep your latest edits safe until you press ^S or quit the app.